Size Matters over Style: Why Bigger Lifestyle Changes Last Longer
We all want to live our best life and be happy and healthy. But when it comes to focusing on adoption of healthier habits, “style” or short-term fad dieting won’t get you there. Making “larger” lifestyle changes will! These long-term and big changes might seem like a daunting task but ultimately, they will produce lasting results, higher energy levels and deeper satisfaction.
First off, let’s talk about the difference between style and size. Style refers to surface level changes like taking up dieting or eating more salads. While these are positive steps, they won’t bring lasting lifestyle change. On the other hand, bigger size changes require more thoughtful and comprehensive attitude adjustments and require bigger changes in lifestyle. These larger shifts are more likely to move past the superficial and more likely to become habits that stick with us.
Now, how do we make big and lasting changes? The key is to break down the desired long-term results into reasonable and attainable short-term goals. You must commit to adapting a healthy lifestyle and take small steps towards achieving it. This could be anything from setting exercise goals to changing your dietary habits. With each accomplishment successfully completed, you will be more motivated to keep going and make more progress towards achieving the overall goal.
Additionally, when it comes to making big lifestyle changes, it is crucial to have an accountability partner. This person can be a family member, a friend, or even someone you meet online. He/ she should be positive and be available for you to discuss and track successes and failures. Additionally, having an accountability partner will ensure that you do not give up or take shortcuts just to get results quickly.
Ultimately, size matters over style when it comes to sustainable and lasting lifestyle changes and better long-term health. With the right attitude and plan, you can accomplish anything and realize your best life!